Welcome to the documentation for FFglitch 0.10.0.

FFglitch is three different programs:

  • ffedit is the main tool for FFglitch. It is a multimedia bitstream editor.
  • fflive is a video player that integrates ffedit so you can create live glitch in real-time.
  • ffgac is just ffmpeg, but with some extra features for glitch artists.

They are all command-line programs. At least some basic knowledge about the command-line is expected. (If anyone has some good tutorials about the basics of command-line in Windows/macOS/Linux, please let me know and I’ll add links here).

Documentation for each tool:

Container/codec documentation:

FFglitch supports some container formats and some features inside some codecs. This is where the main glitching happens, but you need to know what you are dealing with in order to glitch well.

Scripting documentation:

FFglitch makes extensive use of scripts for many different functionalities. The scripting languages supported are Python3 and JavaScript. Python3 support is fairly basic and has no optimizations for FFglitch itself. JavaScript support is built into FFglitch using the quickjs engine, along with a bunch of extensions and optimizations that are documented below.