MV and MVRef

MV and MVRef are a simple representation of a [ horizontal, vertical ] motion vector. There are actually two different types of MVs (constant and object) and one MVRef. They can be equal to null, which means this is a non-existent motion vector (this comes in handy with MVArrays and MV2DArrays). They behave differently depending on how they are instantiated.

MV Constant

The first MV type is the simplest. It is created by calling the MV() function. It is a constant, which means that once created it cannot be changed. The horizontal and vertical elements may be accessed independently, but not assigned to. It is meant mostly to be used as an argument to functions since it’s faster to create and uses less memory.

let mv = MV(1,2);
print(mv);                          // [1,2]
print(mv[0]);                       // 1
print(mv[1]);                       // 2
// RangeError: out-of-bound numeric index
mv[0] = 3;
// MV() cannot be changed, create it with "new MV(xxx)" instead

MV Object

The second MV type is an object. It is created by calling the new MV() constructor.

The MV object has a bunch of methods which will be described further down in this page.

let mv = new MV(1,2);
print(mv);                          // [1,2]
print(mv[0]);                       // 1
print(mv[1]);                       // 2
// RangeError: out-of-bound numeric index
mv[0] = 3;
print(mv);                          // [3,2]


The MVRef is an object that references an MV object. Whatever changes are made to the MVRef object will be reflected on the source MV object as well (and vice-versa). Be careful not to play around with an MVRef once the MV object it was created from has run out of its scope. You will write into unallocated memory and the program will segfault.

The MVRef object shares the same methods as the MV object, which will be described further down in this page.

let mv = new MV(1,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mv);
print(mv);                          // [1,2]
print(mvref);                       // [1,2]
mvref[0] = 3;
print(mv);                          // [3,2]
print(mvref);                       // [3,2]

MV Constant function

The MV() function is used to create a new MV constant. The arguments passed to the function should either be omitted (in which case the motion vector is [0,0]), set to null, specified as an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object, specified as an array with two elements, or specified in terms of its horizontal and vertical components.


MV(horizontal, vertical)
MV([ horizontal, vertical ])


mv (optional) must be either an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object.

horizontal (optional) is the horizontal component of the motion vector.

vertical (optional) is the vertical component of the motion vector.

Return value

The new MV constant.


let mv = MV(1,2);
let mvobj = new MV(3,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mvobj);
print(mv);                          // [1,2]
print(mvobj);                       // [3,2]
print(mvref);                       // [3,2]
print(MV());                        // [0,0]
print(MV(null));                    // null
print(MV(mv));                      // [1,2]
print(MV(mvobj));                   // [3,2]
print(MV(mvref));                   // [3,2]
print(MV(1,3));                     // [1,3]
print(MV(1,2) instanceof MV);       // false
print(MV([1,3]));                   // [1,3]

MV Constructor

The new MV() constructor is used to create a new MV object. The arguments passed to the constructor should either be omitted (in which case the motion vector is [0,0]), set to null, specified as an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object, specified as an array with two elements, or specified in terms of its horizontal and vertical components.


new MV()
new MV(null)
new MV(mv)
new MV(horizontal, vertical)
new MV([ horizontal, vertical ])


mv (optional) must be either an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object.

horizontal (optional) is the horizontal component of the motion vector.

vertical (optional) is the vertical component of the motion vector.

Return value

The new MV object.


let mv = MV(1,2);
let mvobj = new MV(3,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mvobj);
print(mv);                          // [1,2]
print(mvobj);                       // [3,2]
print(mvref);                       // [3,2]
print(new MV());                    // [0,0]
print(new MV(null));                // null
print(new MV(mv));                  // [1,2]
print(new MV(mvobj));               // [3,2]
print(new MV(mvref));               // [3,2]
print(new MV(1,3));                 // [1,3]
print(new MV(1,2) instanceof MV);   // true
print(new MV([1,3]));               // [1,3]

MVRef Constructor

The new MVRef() constructor is used to create a new MVRef object. The arguments passed to the constructor should be either an MV object (note: not an MV constant) or an MVRef object.


new MVRef(mv)


mv must be either an MV object or an MVRef object.

Return value

The new MVRef object.


let mvobj = new MV(3,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mvobj);
print(mvobj);                       // [3,2]
print(mvref);                       // [3,2]
print(mvobj instanceof MV);         // true
print(mvobj instanceof MVRef);      // false
print(mvref instanceof MV);         // false
print(mvref instanceof MVRef);      // true


The toString() method returns a string representing the specified motion vector.



Return value

The string representation.


const mv = new MV(1,3);
print(mv.toString());               // [1,3]


The magnitude() method returns the magnitude of the motion vector. The magnitude of a vector (x,y) is equivalent to sqrt(x*x+y*y).



Return value

The magnitude of the motion vector as a floating point number.


let mv = new MV(2,3);
print(mv.magnitude()); // 3.605551275463989


The magnitude_sq() method returns the square of the magnitude of the motion vector. The magnitude of a vector (x,y) is equivalent to sqrt(x*x+y*y), so the square of the magnitude is x*x+y*y. This method is faster than magnitude() since there is no need to calculate the square root.



Return value

The square of the magnitude of the motion vector as an integer.


let mv = new MV(2,3);
print(mv.magnitude_sq()); // 13


The swap_hv() method swaps the horizontal and vertical elements of the motion vector in-place.



Return value

The modified motion vector.


let mv = new MV(2,3);
print(mv);           // [2,3]
print(mv.swap_hv()); // [3,2]


The clear() method zeroes the horizontal and vertical elements of the motion vector in-place.



Return value

The modified motion vector.


let mv = new MV(2,3);
print(mv);         // [2,3]
print(mv.clear()); // [0,0]


There is no real mathOp() method in the MV prototype. Instead, there are a bunch of math operation methods, listed below:


The arguments passed to the methods above should either be omitted (in which case the argument is [0,0]), set to null, specified as an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object, specified as an array with two elements, or specified in terms of its horizontal and vertical components.

The operations do exactly what the names mean. add() will add the argument to the motion vector, sub() will subtract, mul() will multiply, div() will divide (rounding to nearest), and assign() will assign (just copy).

There are also similar methods that operate only on the horizontal or vertical elements of the motion vector. These methods have either _h (horizontal) or _v (vertical) appended to the method names. These methods take only one argument (the horizontal or vertical element). They are listed below:



mathOp(horizontal, vertical)


mv (optional) must be either an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object.

horizontal (optional for mathOp(), mandatory for mathOp_h() and mathOp_v()) is the horizontal component of the motion vector.

vertical (optional for mathOp(), mandatory for mathOp_h() and mathOp_v()) is the vertical component of the motion vector.

Return value

The modified motion vector.


let mv12  = MV(1,2);
let mvobj = new MV(3,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mvobj);
print(mv12);             // [1,2]
print(mvobj);            // [3,2]
print(mvref);            // [3,2]
// good luck keeping track of the value of the motion vector!
let mv = new MV(1,1);
print(mv);               // [1,1]
print("add");            // add
print(mv.add());         // [1,1]
print(mv.add(null));     // [1,1]
print(mv.add(mv12));     // [2,3]
print(mv.add(mvobj));    // [5,5]
print(mv.add(mvref));    // [8,7]
print(mv.add(0,1));      // [8,8]
print(mv.add(1,0));      // [9,8]
print(mv.add_h(1));      // [10,8]
print(mv.add_v(1));      // [10,9]
print("sub");            // sub
print(mv.sub());         // [10,9]
print(mv.sub(null));     // [10,9]
print(mv.sub(mv12));     // [9,7]
print(mv.sub(mvobj));    // [6,5]
print(mv.sub(mvref));    // [3,3]
print(mv.sub(0,1));      // [3,2]
print(mv.sub(1,0));      // [2,2]
print(mv.sub_h(1));      // [1,2]
print(mv.sub_v(1));      // [1,1]
print("mul");            // mul
print(mv.mul(null));     // [1,1]
print(mv.mul(mv12));     // [1,2]
print(mv.mul(mvobj));    // [3,4]
print(mv.mul(mvref));    // [9,8]
print(mv.mul(2,2));      // [18,16]
print(mv.mul_h(2));      // [36,16]
print(mv.mul_v(2));      // [36,32]
print("div");            // div
print(mv.div(null));     // [36,32]
print(mv.div(mv12));     // [36,16]
print(mv.div(mvobj));    // [12,8]
print(mv.div(mvref));    // [4,4]
print(mv.div(2,2));      // [2,2]
print(mv.div_h(2));      // [1,2]
print(mv.div_v(2));      // [1,1]
print("assign");         // assign
print(mv.assign(mv12));  // [1,2]
print(mv.assign(mvobj)); // [3,2]
print(mv.assign(mvref)); // [3,2]
print(mv.assign_h(0));   // [0,2]
print(mv.assign_v(0));   // [0,0]
// multiply by zero returns zero
mv = new MV(mv12);
print(mv);               // [1,2]
print(mv.mul());         // [0,0]
// divide by zero returns zero
mv = new MV(mv12);
print(mv);               // [1,2]
print(mv.div());         // [0,0]
// the null argument is only allowed when assigning
print(mv.assign(null));  // null


There is no real compareOp() method in the MV prototype. Instead, there are two comparison methods, named compare_eq() and compare_neq().

The arguments passed to the methods above should either be omitted (in which case the argument is [0,0]), set to null, specified as an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object, specified as an array with two elements, or specified in terms of its horizontal and vertical components.

The compare_eq() method will test for equality (==) for both motion vectors, whereas the compare_neq() method will test for inequality (!=).

There are also similar methods that operate only on the horizontal or vertical elements of the motion vector. These methods take only one argument (the horizontal or vertical element), and have either _h (horizontal) or _v (vertical) appended to the method names. They are listed below:



compareOp(horizontal, vertical)


mv (optional) must be either an MV constant, an MV object, or an MVRef object.

horizontal (optional for compareOp(), mandatory for compareOp_h() and compareOp_v()) is the horizontal component of the motion vector.

vertical (optional for compareOp(), mandatory for compareOp_h() and compareOp_v()) is the vertical component of the motion vector.

Return value

true or false.


let mv12  = MV(1,2);
let mvnul = MV(null);
let mvobj = new MV(3,2);
let mvref = new MVRef(mvobj);
print(mv12);                    // [1,2]
print(mvobj);                   // [3,2]
print(mvref);                   // [3,2]
let mv = new MV(1,2);
print(mv);                      // [1,2]
print(mv.compare_eq());         // false
print(mv.compare_eq(null));     // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvnul));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mv12));     // true
print(mv.compare_eq(mvobj));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvref));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(1,2));      // true
print(mv.compare_eq_h(1));      // true
print(mv.compare_eq_h(2));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_v(1));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_v(2));      // true
print(mv.compare_neq());        // true
print(mv.compare_neq(null));    // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvnul));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mv12));    // false
print(mv.compare_neq(mvobj));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvref));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(1,2));     // false
print(mv.compare_neq_h(1));     // false
print(mv.compare_neq_h(2));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_v(1));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_v(2));     // false
print(mv);                      // null
print(mv.compare_eq());         // false
print(mv.compare_eq(null));     // true
print(mv.compare_eq(mvnul));    // true
print(mv.compare_eq(mv12));     // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvobj));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvref));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(1,2));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_h(1));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_h(2));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_v(1));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_v(2));      // false
print(mv.compare_neq());        // true
print(mv.compare_neq(null));    // false
print(mv.compare_neq(mvnul));   // false
print(mv.compare_neq(mv12));    // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvobj));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvref));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(1,2));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_h(1));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_h(2));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_v(1));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_v(2));     // true
mv.assign(0, 0);
print(mv);                      // [0,0]
print(mv.compare_eq());         // true
print(mv.compare_eq(null));     // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvnul));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mv12));     // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvobj));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(mvref));    // false
print(mv.compare_eq(1,2));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_h(0));      // true
print(mv.compare_eq_h(1));      // false
print(mv.compare_eq_v(0));      // true
print(mv.compare_eq_v(1));      // false
print(mv.compare_neq());        // false
print(mv.compare_neq(null));    // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvnul));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mv12));    // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvobj));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(mvref));   // true
print(mv.compare_neq(1,2));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_h(0));     // false
print(mv.compare_neq_h(1));     // true
print(mv.compare_neq_v(0));     // false
print(mv.compare_neq_v(1));     // true